Speaking Chileno
A Guide to Spanish from Chile
discover the local language
Speaking Chileno eBook
Speaking Chileno, already a bestseller in Chile, is the most up-to-date reference book of Chilean Spanish vocabulary. It features more than 2,000 words and phrases explained in English, many with sample sentences.

The truth About Spanish
Spanish vocabulary changes significantly from one country to the next. Yet, few people learn about this until they are in a country, stumbling through the local Spanish.
Are you learning Spanish?
Preparing to visit Chile?
Or even just wanting to be more familiar with its specific slang and local words?
With this eBook, words like cuica, guagua, fome, and charcha will no longer be a mystery!
Short sections on Chilean grammar, pronunciation, and gestures
English definitions, many with example sentences
13 Quick Vocabulary Table Guides
29 illustrations
Praise and Testimonials
Speaking Chileno “has been a very useful tool in complying my duties and at the same time, support and assist all those international travelers and passengers…”
- Carlos Santana ● Native Chilean and airport employee
Este gringo interesado en el vocabulario chilensis creó un verdadero ranking de frases típicas de nuestro país y las tradujo a un vocabulario comprensivo para los turistas...
Periódico La Nación ● Chile
Romey translates common colloquialisms into English so that Americans can actually understand what the heck locals are saying when they visit South American countries.
Monica Garske ● AOL News
Is This Book for You?
YES, IF...
you are moving to Chile.
YES, IF...
you have family in Chilean and want to communicate better.
YES, IF...
you are Chilean and want to express yourself better in English.
YES, IF...
you already speak Spanish and want to improve your Chilean Spanish.
YES, IF...
you are traveling to Chile.
NO, IF...
you are sharing this book with kids.
NO, IF...
you do not want to read or learn naughty (yet commonly used) local language.
NO, IF...
this book will be your only resource to learn Spanish. (It is best used to complement resources and tools developed specifically to teach Spanish.)
NO, IF...
you are just starting to learn Spanish.
Speaking Chileno: A Guide to Spanish from Chile eBook
A Colloquial Spanish Dictionary by Jared Romey

About Jared & Speaking Latino
My name is Jared, and I am a native of the United States of America whose first serious attempt at learning languages began in my early twenties. Until then, I’d say, I had a more or less typical background. After age 5, I lived in one area of the country, never outside the US and had little exposure to Spanish. Then, in my early twenties, aseries of fortuitous circumstances completely changed my life.
I am not an educated linguist. I started as a language learner just like you. I’ve spent thousands of hours studying and speaking Spanish. I had a couple of years in my life when English barely existed. And with this, I know how difficult learning to communicate in Spanish may be.
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