Warning: This post includes an incredible volume of words that are not suitable for young eyes.
Senator Mitt Romney once visited Miami as a quick stop on his presidential campaign. Part of the media tour included an interview for Radio Mabí with Carlos Santana. The nine-minute phone interview ended with giggles from Santana and the translator. Why? Romney used the word papaya that is Cuban slang for vagina! Here is the transcript of the last seconds of the audio clip:
CARLOS SANTANA: “Gobernador, lo están esperando con un mamey, una guayaba, frutas cubanas aquí en Miami. ¿Les gusta?”
MITT ROMNEY: “I am a big fan of mango, papaya and guava”
TRANSLATOR: “Soy un gran partidario del mamey, los mangos y las guayabas”
As you can see, even the translator changed the word papaya and substitutes it with mamey (that is a similar fruit). The name that Cubans used to refer to the papaya is fruta bomba. It was renamed because of the sexual connotation it has.
The Spanish language is so tricky and diverse across countries, that this situation could happen to anyone. Just read Jared’s story when something similar happened to him in Puerto Rico with the word bicho in his post Puerto Rican Spanish Slang for Penis: A Bug or a Guy’s Dick?.
To prevent headlines like Mitt Romney Innocently Uses Cuban Slang For ‘Vagina’ When Professing Appreciation For Papayas, he desperately needs to follow Speaking Latino in order to avoid these kind of mistakes and win the favor of the Latin community in the United States. To help Romney and all of you, here are the slang words in Spanish for vagina and the countries that use them.

Spanish Slang Words for vagina in Mexico and Central America
Mexico: pucha, concha, panocha, papaya, pepa, verija, cachucha, guayabo, chocho, la pepita, chango.
Mexico DF: papaya, picha, pucha, cola, oso.
Guatemala: cuchara, cutusa or cotusa, pupusa.
El Salvador: pupusa, cuca, mico, torta.
Honduras: verga, pupusa, cuchara, cuca, pepa.
Nicaragua: bicho, mico.
Costa Rica: mico, panocha.
Panamá: micha, cuca, araña, tontón, chucha.
Spanish Slang Words for vagina in South America
Colombia: pan, arepa, chimba, cuca, gallo, sapo, panocha, chocha.
Bolivia: concha.
Venezuela: cuca, cuchara, chocha, chocho, chucha, hucha, papo, pepa, alcancía, totona, cuchumina.
Ecuador: bollo, concha, pepa, chepa.
Chile: concha, sapo, chucha, choro, araña peluda, zorra, almeja, chocha, chichi.
Argentina: concha, chacón, cachucha, argolla, cajeta, chucha, chocha, papo.
Uruguay: araña, concha, cotorra, pepa.
Paraguay: concha.
Guatemala: pupusa, cuca.
Perú: chucha, concha, papa, papaya, zorra, champa.
Spanish Slang Words for vagina in the Caribbean
Cuba: papaya, bollo, cuca, la bomba, chocha, crica, tota.
Puerto Rico: chocha, crica, tota, tostón, bollo, pandorca.
Dominican Republic: popola, toto, creta, pipo, semilla, tota.
Spanish Slang for vagina in Spain
Spain: toto, coño, chocho, chichi, chumino, almeja, conejo, higo, chiral, papo.
This collection of words for vagina was difficult to put together. To start my research, I used the book Diccionario de Jergas de Habla Hispana by Roxana Fitch and a now non-existent website Tu Babel. With all the words learned here, I can definitely assume a role in The Vagina Monologues!
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