If you are looking to learn Gaucho Spanish a good place to start is by understanding some of the other terms that are related to Gaucho Spanish and are useful to understand when trying to find resources. Also, we’ll assume that the term “gaucho Spanish” refers to Spanish from Argentina, for this article, although gauchos also come from Uruguay and Brazil.
Other terms that you may run across while searching for Gaucho Spanish are Lunfardo, Argento or Porteño. They refer to parts of Argentine language, slang or colloquial Spanish and in the case of porteño refers to the language specifically in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.
Articles to Learn Gaucho Spanish
We have written a collection of over 40 articles on Argentine Spanish and many of them include information on what could be considered Gaucho Spanish. For the list of articles, continue here.
Argentina Spanish Slang
Books to Learn Gaucho Spanish:
Resources to learn Argentine or gaucho Spanish are extremely limited. This is true also for the books available. Many of the books you will run across are Spanish-only books, so there is only a limited number of English books that we have found that will be useful to help you learn gaucho Spanish. Here they are:
This book has sold thousands of copies in Argentina and includes more than 1,300 words and phrases of Porteño, Lunfardo and Guacho Spanish, as well as tips on how to speak like an Argentine, Argentine grammar and pronunciation as well as cartoon illustrations representing some of the common words and phrases. [continue for more] |
This book explores Lunfardo in detail including vesre terms which are words that have the letters rearranged. |
Here are a few Spanish-only book suggestions:
This Spanish-only dictionary explores the expressions from Argentina that you will not find in conventional dictionaries. |
This is an extensive look at Argentine Lunfardo, with almost 6,000 entries included. Spanish only. |
Other resources available to help you learn gaucho Spanish and Spanish from Argentina are:
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The Porteño Spanish website offers a simple flashcard-type exercise for some of the more common Spanish words used in Buenos Aires. Information about a phone app is also included. |
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Voseo Spanish focuses on conjugated Spanish verbs using the Argentine/Gaucho voseo conjugations. There are also sections of flashcards and other tips to learn Spanish from Argentina. |
For more articles to help you learn Spanish, go to these articles.