Valentine’s Day or Día de San Valentín is just around the corner! For those interested in charming a Latin love here is my collection of Spanish love phrases you can say or write to your special someone.
Go ahead, send a text message, leave a voicemail, or say it aloud. You will surprise your Valentine with any of these phrases in his or her native language.
Spanish Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day

1. Te quiero, te amo – I love you
You know that “love” in Spanish has many degrees of intensity. Te amo has a stronger meaning than te quiero. If you want to go the extra mile, try Te amo con todo mi corazón or I love you will all my heart. You can also say te adoro that means “I adore you.”
2. Eres el amor de mi vida – You are the love of my life
3. Te llevo en mi corazón – You are in my heart
4. Sabes que te amo – You know that I love you
5. Eres mi vida – You are my life
6. Siempre estás en mis pensamientos – You are always in my thoughts
7. Lo eres todo para mi – You are everything for me
8. Mi amor por ti es tan grande que… – My love for you is so big that… (Complete this phrase by adding anything you are willing to do for the love of your life).
9. Me muero por ti (Me muero por tu amor) – I die for you (I die for your love)
10. Eres lo más importante para mi – You are the most important thing in my life
11. Mi corazón es todo tuyo – My heart is all yours
12. Me alegro tanto cuando te veo – I am so happy when I see you
13. Tú eres mi razón de ser – You are my reason for being
14. Eres dueño/dueña de mi corazón – You own my heart
For more Spanish phrases, check out the article Flirting in Spanish: 18 Easy Spanish Phrases for Dating.
Check out these other articles about How to Speak Spanish.